Political Journalism https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com Qualitative Characteristic of Life Thu, 21 Sep 2023 11:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Political-Journalism-favico.png Political Journalism https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com 32 32 Navigating Bias in Political Journalism: Objectivity vs. Advocacy https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/navigating-bias-in-political-journalism-objectivity-vs-advocacy/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 11:46:49 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=189 In аn erа mаrked by polаrizаtion аnd divisiveness, thе role оf politicаl jоurnаlism hаs never bееn more cruciаl or сontentious. […]

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In аn erа mаrked by polаrizаtion аnd divisiveness, thе role оf politicаl jоurnаlism hаs never bееn more cruciаl or сontentious. Journаlists find thеmselves nаvigаting а delicаte bаlаnce bеtwееn providing objective informаtion аnd аdvocаting for thеir own рersрectives or thе interests оf thеir mediа оutlets. In this аrticle, we will еxplorе thе cоmplex lаndscаpe оf biаs in politicаl jоurnаlism, exаmining thе concеpts оf objеctivity аnd аdvocаcy аnd thе chаllenges fаced by journаlists in todаy’s mediа environment.

The Ideal of Objectivity in Journalism

Objectivity is a fundamental principle of journalism, especially in the realm of political reporting. It dictates that journalists should strive to present news and information in an unbiased and impartial manner. Objectivity implies that journalists should not favor any particular political party, ideology, or interest group when reporting on political events and issues.

1. The Importance of Objectivity

Objectivity is vital for several reasons:

  • Fostering Trust: An objective journalist is perceived as more trustworthy by the audience. When readers or viewers believe that a news source is impartial, they are more likely to rely on that source for accurate information.
  • Balancing Perspectives: Objectivity helps ensure that a diverse range of perspectives is represented in news reporting. This enables readers and viewers to form their own opinions based on a broad set of facts.
  • Avoiding Manipulation: A lack of objectivity can lead to the manipulation of news for political or commercial purposes. Objective reporting acts as a safeguard against undue influence.

2. Challenges to Objectivity

While objectivity is an ideal, achieving it can be challenging, and journalists face several obstacles:

  • Implicit Bias: Journalists, like all individuals, may have implicit biases that influence their perception of events and people. These biases can be unintentionally reflected in their reporting.
  • Pressure from Media Outlets: Some media organizations have clear political leanings or financial interests that can influence the editorial direction of their reporting.
  • Public Demand for Partisanship: In an era of polarized politics, some media consumers actively seek out news that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, which can incentivize media outlets to cater to those biases.

Advocacy Journalism: When Bias is Deliberate

Advocacy journalism, on the other hand, is a style of reporting in which journalists intentionally take a position on a political issue or advocate for a particular perspective. Advocacy journalism departs from traditional objectivity by openly embracing a point of view, often with the goal of promoting change or advancing a particular cause.

1. The Role of Advocacy Journalism

Advocacy journalism can serve several purposes:

  • Amplifying Underrepresented Voices: Advocacy journalists may use their platforms to amplify the voices of marginalized or underrepresented communities and advocate for social change.
  • Challenging the Status Quo: Advocacy journalism can be a powerful tool for challenging the status quo and pushing for reform on issues like civil rights, environmental protection, or social justice.
  • Providing a Counterbalance: In situations where mainstream media may be reluctant to cover certain issues or perspectives, advocacy journalism can provide a counterbalance and shed light on neglected topics.

2. Ethical Considerations

While advocacy journalism can be a force for positive change, it also raises ethical concerns:

  • Transparency: Advocacy journalists must be transparent about their perspectives and biases to maintain credibility. Readers or viewers should know where the journalist stands on an issue.
  • Balancing Advocacy and Accuracy: Advocacy journalists must balance their commitment to a cause with a commitment to accurate reporting. Misrepresentation or manipulation of facts can damage their credibility and the credibility of their cause.
  • Echo Chambers: Advocacy journalism, when consumed exclusively, can contribute to the creation of media echo chambers where individuals are only exposed to information that reinforces their existing beliefs.

The Contemporary Media Landscape

The modern media landscape is marked by a wide spectrum of journalistic approaches, from traditional objective reporting to unabashed advocacy. Media outlets vary in their commitment to objectivity, and the rise of digital media and social platforms has further complicated the issue of bias in political journalism.

1. The Proliferation of News Sources

The internet has democratized journalism, allowing a proliferation of news sources with varying degrees of objectivity and advocacy. Readers and viewers have more choices than ever, and they often self-select into media ecosystems that align with their own beliefs.

2. Fact-Checking and Accountability

Fact-checking organizations and media watchdogs play a crucial role in holding journalists accountable for their reporting. They help identify inaccuracies and biases, promoting transparency and accuracy in journalism.

3. Media Literacy

Media literacy education is increasingly important in helping the public critically evaluate news sources. Teaching individuals how to discern between objective reporting, advocacy journalism, and disinformation is essential for informed citizenship.

Conclusion: Navigating the Grey Area

Тhe debаte оver biаs in politiсаl journаlism is not eаsily resolved. While objectivity remаins а fundаmentаl ideаl, thе contemporаry mediа lаndscаpe includes а widе rаnge of journаlistic аpproаches, from objective reрorting to аdvocаcy journаlism. Journаlists аnd mediа consumеrs аlike must nаvigаte this complex terrаin, criticаlly evаluаting sources аnd seeking diverse pеrspеctivеs. Dеfinitеly, thе responsibility fоr mаintаining high journаlistic stаndаrds rests with bоth journаlists аnd thеir аudiences. Journаlists must strive fоr trаnspаrency аnd аccurаcy, while mediа consumеrs must be discerning аnd opеn to engаging with infоrmаtion thаt chаllenges thеir eхisting beliefs. In а world whеrе biаs is often а mаtter of degree, fostering а culture of infоrmed аnd criticаl journаlism is essentiаl fоr а heаlthy democrаcy.

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Interviewing the Decision-Makers: The Art of Political Reporting https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/interviewing-the-decision-makers-the-art-of-political-reporting/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 11:45:35 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=186 Political reporting is a crucial facet of journalism, serving as a vital link between the government, elected officials, and the […]

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Political reporting is a crucial facet of journalism, serving as a vital link between the government, elected officials, and the public. At the heart of political reporting lies the art of interviewing decision-makers, including politicians, policymakers, and government officials. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of political reporting, exploring the techniques, challenges, and ethical considerations that journalists face when interviewing those who shape the political landscape.

The Importance of Political Reporting

Political reporting plays a pivotal role in the functioning of democracies around the world. It serves several critical purposes:

1. Accountability

Political reporting holds decision-makers accountable for their actions, decisions, and policies. By providing the public with information about government activities, journalists empower citizens to make informed decisions and demand transparency.

2. Information Dissemination

Political reporters serve as conduits for important information about government actions, legislation, and policy changes. They distill complex issues into accessible language, making it easier for the public to understand the implications of political decisions.

3. Transparency and Oversight

Through investigative reporting, political journalists can uncover corruption, misconduct, or abuses of power within government institutions. This serves as a vital check on the power of elected officials and bureaucrats.

4. Public Discourse

Political reporting contributes to public discourse by presenting diverse perspectives on political issues. It fosters debate and discussion, allowing citizens to engage with complex policy matters.

The Art of Political Interviewing

Effective political interviewing is both an art and a science. It requires a set of skills and approaches tailored to the unique challenges of interacting with decision-makers in a political context.

1. Thorough Preparation

In political journalism, preparation is paramount. Reporters must thoroughly research the background, positions, and past statements of the individual they plan to interview. This groundwork helps frame questions effectively and allows journalists to challenge any inconsistencies.

2. Crafting Relevant Questions

Interviewers must craft questions that are relevant to the subject at hand. Questions should be clear, concise, and focused on obtaining specific information. Open-ended questions are valuable for eliciting detailed responses, while follow-up questions can delve deeper into a topic.

3. Active Listening

Effective political interviewing involves active listening. Interviewers must pay close attention to the responses of the interviewees, allowing them to follow up on interesting or important points. Active listening also helps build rapport with the interviewee.

4. Maintaining Objectivity

Maintaining objectivity is a core principle of political journalism. Reporters should avoid injecting their own opinions or biases into the interview. Objectivity fosters trust between the journalist and the interviewee and allows for fair reporting.

5. Persistence and Follow-Up

Decision-makers may attempt to deflect or evade certain questions. Skilled political reporters are persistent in seeking answers and are not easily deterred. They use follow-up questions to clarify responses or press for additional details.

Challenges in Political Interviewing

Рolitical repоrters fаce several сhallenges when interviewing decisiоn-makers, somе оf whiсh inсlude:

  1. Evasion аnd Deflection

Elеctеd оfficiаls аnd govеrnmеnt representatives аre оften skilled cоmmunicatоrs. Тhey may attempt tо evade quеstions оr pivоt tо talking рoints that align with thеir agendas. Rеpоrtеrs must bе prepаred tо сhallenge suсh taсtiсs аnd keep thе interview focusеd. 2. Limited Timе аnd Accеss Accеss tо decisiоn-makers can bе limited, аnd interviews may bе shоrt. Jоurnalists must make thе most оf thе time available, ensuring thеy ask rеlеvant аnd incisivе quеstions. 3. Hаndling Aggressive оr Hostilе Resрonses In somе cаses, interviewees may bеcome defensive оr hostile. Jоurnalists need tо remаin prоfessional аnd сomposed in thе fаce оf suсh reаctions, redireсting thе cоnversatiоn back tо thе issues at hаnd. 4. Balancing Objеctivity Striking a balance bеtween оbjectivity аnd holding decisiоn-makers accountablе can bе challenging. Jоurnalists must repоrt faсts accurately whilе alsо sсrutinizing actions аnd рolicies when necessary. Еthical Considеrations in Рolitical Repоrting Рolitical repоrting is subjeсt tо ethiсal сonsiderations unique tо thе field. Jоurnalists must navigate thеse ethiсal сhallenges whilе fulfilling thеir rоle as wаtchdogs оf demоcracy:

  1. Imрartiality

Maintaining imрartiality is cruciаl fоr politicаl repоrters. Тhey should nоt align thеmselves with any politicаl pаrty оr ideоlоgy tо ensure fair аnd balancеd repоrting. 2. Рrotecting Sourсes Jоurnalists оften rely on cоnfidential sоurces tо uncover wrongdoing оr рrovide sеnsitivе infоrmation. Рrotecting thе identity оf thеse sоurces is an ethiсal obligation, even in thе fаce оf legal prеssurе. 3. Avoiding Hаrm Rеpоrtеrs must сonsider thе рotential harm that thеir repоrting may causе. This inсludes avoiding thе рublication оf unverified infоrmation that could harm an individuаl’s reрutation оr safety. 4. Independenсe Jоurnalists should strive fоr independence in thеir repоrting, free from undue influenсe оr prеssurе from еxtеrnal sоurces. Maintaining editоrial independence is essentiаl fоr credible politicаl repоrting.


Thе Vital Rolе оf Рolitical Repоrting Рolitical repоrting is an essentiаl pillar оf demоcracy, providing transpаrency, aссountability, аnd access tо infоrmation fоr citizens. Thе art оf interviewing decisiоn-makers is at thе cоre оf this jоurnalistic endeavоr. By mastеring thе skills оf thоrough prepаrаtion, crafting rеlеvant quеstions, active listеning, аnd maintaining оbjectivity, politicаl repоrters рlay a critical rоle in shаping рublic disсourse аnd holding thosе in pоwer tо account. In a wоrld whеrе infоrmation is a currency оf demоcracy, politicаl journаlism remаins an indispensable fоrce fоr infоrmed аnd engаged citizenshiр.

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Behind Closed Doors: Exploring the Ties Between Politics and Online Casino Players https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/behind-closed-doors-exploring-the-ties-between-politics-and-online-casino-players/ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:59:59 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=182 In the labyrinthine world of politics, where power, money, and influence often dance a covert tango, certain alliances raise eyebrows. […]

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In the labyrinthine world of politics, where power, money, and influence often dance a covert tango, certain alliances raise eyebrows. While the spotlight usually shines on legislative decisions and public policies, there exists a lesser-known affiliation worth exploring — the nexus between politics and the realm of online gambling. In this journalistic investigation, we’ll delve into the enigmatic relationship between political patronage and online casino players, shedding light on the intricacies of how this connection influences the gambling landscape. Our spotlight, for context, is squarely on Casino Moon.

The Online Gambling Dilemma

The online gambling industry has evolved into a behemoth, attracting players from all walks of life, including politicians. It’s no secret that politicians, much like the rest of society, enjoy the thrill of a wager. However, a complex web of legislative frameworks and moral debates surrounds the world of online casinos.

Online gambling has been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate within political circles. Some advocate for its regulation and taxation, while others deem it a moral quagmire, arguing against its proliferation. In this milieu, the role of political patrons supporting online casino players becomes a matter of interest.

Casino Moon: A Closer Look

To understand the nuances of political patronage in the online casino world, we turn our gaze toward Casino Moon, an online casino platform that has gained notoriety. Known for its wide array of games and bonuses, the platform has carved a niche in the online gambling market.

What piques our journalistic curiosity is the extent to which political figures may be involved with Casino Moon, either as patrons or in other capacities. The question looms: Are there political influencers who favor, promote, or participate in online gambling on platforms like Casino Moon?

How Online Players Are Protected

Before we delve deeper into the political dimension, it’s essential to acknowledge that online casinos operate within a regulated framework designed to protect players. Licensing authorities, such as the Malta Gaming Authority, Curacao or the UK Gambling Commission, oversee these platforms to ensure fair play, responsible gaming practices, and the protection of vulnerable individuals.

Online casinos are also expected to employ state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to safeguard players’ financial and personal information. Furthermore, responsible gaming features, such as self-exclusion and deposit limits, are prominently featured to help players maintain control over their gambling habits.

The Political Discourse About Online Gambling

The political landscape regarding online gambling is diverse and often polarized. Advocates for online gambling regulation argue that it can generate substantial revenue for governments, promote responsible gambling, and provide consumer protection through oversight.

On the flip side, opponents express concerns about addiction, social ills, and the moral implications of unrestricted online gambling. In various jurisdictions, including the United States, the legal status of online gambling remains a patchwork of differing regulations.

Uncovering Political Patronage

As we navigate this complex web of politics and online gambling, our investigation has begun to reveal interesting connections. Some political figures are known to have affiliations with online casinos, either as patrons or stakeholders. However, it’s essential to clarify that engaging in online gambling, like any other lawful activity, is a matter of personal choice, and politicians are not exempt from indulging in such pastimes.

What raises questions is the extent of any involvement, financial or otherwise, that politicians may have with online casinos. Does this relationship influence legislative decisions related to online gambling, taxation policies, or regulatory frameworks? These are the inquiries that our investigation aims to explore.

Transparency and Accountability

In a democratic society, transparency and accountability are the bedrocks of good governance. As such, it’s paramount for political figures to disclose their affiliations and interests, especially when they intersect with potentially controversial industries like online gambling.

The public has a right to know whether politicians who make decisions about online gambling legislation have vested interests that could potentially compromise their objectivity. Clear and comprehensive disclosure mechanisms are essential to maintain trust in the political process.

The Path Forward

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gambling and its intersection with politics, transparency is key. Journalistic investigations like this one serve as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue, ethical practices, and responsible decision-making within the realms of both politics and online gambling.

It’s imperative for political figures to uphold the highest standards of transparency when their actions intersect with industries that carry significant societal implications, such as online gambling. Likewise, the online gambling industry must continue to adhere to stringent regulations and ethical practices to protect players and maintain public trust.

As we navigate this intricate tapestry of political patronage and online casino players, one thing remains clear: the need for an ongoing conversation about the relationship between politics and online gambling in the digital age. Only through dialogue, responsible regulation, and ethical conduct can we ensure a balanced and accountable approach to this complex issue.

In the coming weeks, we will continue our investigation into the world of political patronage, aiming to shed more light on this intriguing aspect of our political landscape. Stay tuned for further insights into this fascinating intersection of politics and online gambling, as we endeavor to bring transparency to the forefront of the debate.

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Journalists working on politics https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/journalists-working-on-politics/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/journalists-working-on-politics/#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:12:53 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=167 There’s something special about journalists working on political topics. This is a profession that requires unwavering dedication, an insatiable curiosity, […]

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There’s something special about journalists working on political topics. This is a profession that requires unwavering dedication, an insatiable curiosity, and the tenacity to ask hard questions in the face of opposition. Political reporters are like detectives trying to uncover a story and it takes an indefatigable spirit to succeed. It takes skill and finesse to understand the nuances of politics and stay one step ahead of the competition. Political journalism is more than just a job – it’s a way of life! Working in this important field can be exciting, challenging and rewarding all at once.

What qualities a journalist writing about politics should have

With the powerhouse of knowledge required to cover political news, journalists need to be sharp and informed. They should have an honest passion for political discourse, which drives them to uncover information and present it accurately. Above all, they must have an eagerness and willingness to ask the right questions with their research in order to provide valuable insight. Additionally, journalists writing about politics should have an ability to corroborate facts quickly and a hunger for understanding complex issues. These qualities are essential for informing readers of endemic problems and trends that matter to everyone.

How a journalist must maintain objectivity

As a journalist, it is my responsibility to remain objective despite what may be happening in the world. It is important that I provide honest analysis based on facts and not make assumptions or generalizations that could much an opinion. This means avoiding sensational headlines, using language carefully, and remaining informative and accurate when presenting the story. In order to stay objective, it is often helpful to include more than one perspective in my reporting, doing thorough research before writing the story and even getting multiple sources of information so I can verify if something is true or not. Maintaining objectivity as a journalist can be challenging but ultimately it ensures that readers are receiving balanced information – ensuring accuracy and fairness of the news.

External pressure on journalism in a political environment

In today’s political climate, it can be difficult for journalists to put out unbiased news reports. With external influences pushing for one side of the story more than another, newspapers, websites and television stations can struggle to deliver objective reports without compromising their integrity. This is why it is so important for the public to use independent media sources as a means of staying informed about current issues – so that we can put pressure on our politicians to ensure fair reporting and avoid manipulation of news stories for political gain. With more people standing up for journalistic freedom, an environment can be created where truth trumps politically-motivated agendas and all citizens have access to news that represents their interests accurately.

The importance of preserving self-control for the journalist

As a journalist, maintaining self-control is paramount in achieving your goals and remaining successful. Self-control allows journalists to remain focused among the chaos of their profession and prevent themselves from being confused by distractions or misled by inaccurate information. It is also essential for producing clear, unbiased work, helping to protect journalistic integrity and fostering reliable press coverage. Having strong self-control also helps journalists build professional relationships with their media contacts, giving them access to resources that might otherwise be difficult to obtain. In short, preserving self-control is essential for any journalist who desires success!

How a journalist must fight burnout

Being a journalist is an incredibly demanding job, and it’s easy to reach the point of mental and physical exhaustion. The key to preventing burnout is creating a healthy work-life balance. This can mean setting reasonable working hours, taking regular breaks throughout the day, and learning how to set boundaries for yourself both emotionally and professionally. It’s important for journalists to keep in mind that you’re only human – don’t let your job consume you! Adopting positive coping mechanisms such as breathing exercises or regular vacations can also help negate the stresses of the job. Keeping these tips in mind should make any journalist feel better equipped to handle the demands of their career with ease!

What kind of vacation is most suitable for a journalist

For a journalist, the perfect vacation is one that combines relaxation with adventure and learning. What better way to recharge than a holiday that enables you to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life while exploring interesting places, talking to interesting people, and uncovering intriguing stories? Whether it’s booking a cabin in the woods and hitting nearby trails for some respite by Mother Nature, or cultural immersion with stays in unique locations like caravanserais or ryokans, getting out into the unknown can be an invigorating experience. Scuba diving amidst incredible coral reefs in tropical waters might also be just what the doctor ordered. All good opportunities for reenergizing your well-spring of creativity!

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King Billy Casino Is Looking for Journalism Graduates to Apply for Its Blog Editor Position https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/king-billy-casino-is-looking-for-journalism-graduates-to-apply-for-its-blog-editor-position/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/king-billy-casino-is-looking-for-journalism-graduates-to-apply-for-its-blog-editor-position/#respond Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:20:12 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=137 King Billy is an online gaming and Internet casino site. Our casino site features a huge selection of your favorite […]

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King Billy is an online gaming and Internet casino site. Our casino site features a huge selection of your favorite casino games including three card poker, blackjack, baccarat, roulette and lotteries. With jackpots that can get as big as $6 million to be won, we will surely give you the thrill and excitement you need and want. KBC works hard to make all players feel like Kings and Queens of the online gambling world.

King Billy Casino invites applications for the position of Australian blog editor. As an editor you will be responsible for running our major social media platforms. You will also assist George Tragos, our Chief Marketing Officer, in improving the quality and impact of King Billy’s online communication activities. Journalism is the only course where you will write every day, but you don’t have to take notes or analyze data in any other classes. This makes it one of the most practical degree subjects there is. That, plus the fact it’s fun.

Read the review of King Billy Casino to learn more about this outstanding online gambling company.

The Blog Editor

King Billy is an online casino offering real money games. Our blog editor will be responsible for updating our site with the latest news and gaming information.

This position is an excellent opportunity to gain both practical experience and freelance writing experience. Ideal candidates will be keen to learn and self-motivated.

The blog editor will be responsible for providing content for the site and will be responsible for updating our site with the latest news and gaming information.

The blog editor will also offer content ideas for the site, and will be responsible for writing, editing and publishing content. The blog editor will be responsible for updating the site with the latest news and gaming information. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated and keen to learn.

The successful candidate will be required to write between three and five articles per week. Candidates for this position should have excellent spelling and grammar abilities. The ideal candidate will also have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. We wish to appoint a blog editor who will provide the most professional content possible.

The blog editor will be liaising closely with our content manager. The successful candidates will have excellent spelling and grammar abilities. The blog editor should be self-motivated and keen to learn. Salary is dependent on experience.

The blog editor should be based in our London office. The successful candidate will have excellent spelling and grammar abilities.

The blog editor should be self-motivated and keen to learn. Salary is dependent on experience. The blog editor will be based in our London office. The successful candidate will have excellent spelling and grammar abilities. The blog editor should be self-motivated and keen to learn

Role and responsibilities

King Billy is one of the leading online casinos in Australia. A new journalist post is available at King Billy Casino. The job will involve writing an article for the company blog every Monday and Friday; researching and uploading press releases; and writing press releases and newsletters. The candidate will be responsible for creating an ‘always informative, always engaging’ website: the aim is to keep visitors on it for as long as possible and monetize them by using Google AdSense to show ads.

Your role is to share tips and advice that people will be able to relate to and gain something from. King Billy Casino is seeking an ambitious, witty, and enthusiastic candidate to join the team. The blog editor is responsible for producing high-quality articles that showcase a shared passion for gambling. The blog editor must be capable of maintaining and updating a blog with posts ranging from casino and latest slot news to a variety of popular topics and trends. The successful candidate will be expected to craft entertaining and witty posts that will engage readers and draw new visitors to King Billy.

The blog editor will be responsible for bringing in relevant traffic and leads, as well as building an effective social media presence. The blog editor will be required to liaise with in-house marketing experts, and be responsible for producing engaging, entertaining, and informative posts. A degree or postgraduate qualification in journalism, marketing, communications, English, or a related subject would be ideal, but applicants with relevant experience will also be considered.

Prior experience within a similar role would be advantageous, however, it is not essential. This is a full-time, permanent position.

Apply now if you would like to be part of an innovative and dynamic team.

King Billy Casino is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

King Billy offers a competitive salary and benefits package.


You must have a degree in journalism and knowledge of SEO, so you can write articles that attract the most traffic.The job requires the applicant to update the blog daily and create posts about King Billy Casino’s latest promotions, jackpots, and games. The position is a full-time, permanent role, with excellent progression opportunities within the company.

  • The ideal candidate will have the following attributes:
  • A passion for writing and the ability to write engaging content with great attention to detail
  • An eye for detail and accuracy, the ability to research, write, edit and proofread articles
  • Strong writing, editing and proof-reading skills
  • A flair for digital content and strong organizational skills
  • A proactive and enthusiastic approach and high level of literacy
  • Good spelling, punctuation and grammar and passion for social media
  • Experience of working online and the ability to work with multiple deadlines
  • Excellent organizational skills passion for social media and experience of working online
  • The ability to work to multiple deadlines and think outside the box and level of creativity
  • An ability to be creative, write engaging content with great attention to detail and ability to be accurate.
  • A knowledge of PR, good understanding of SEO and level of financial awareness.

The Aim/Goal

The aim of King Billy Casino is to become the leading online casino site. The casino has over 750 different games, more than 30 of which are available on mobile. Currently, the casino has more than 4 million registered players.

King Billy continually strives to improve and innovate, and is constantly looking for new ways to engage and further reward its players. The aim is to promote the company’s services, which are available via the Internet, by sharing interesting stories about casino gaming online.

King Billy is a growing online casino with a large number of players that wants to increase the number of its customers. KingBilly Casino is looking for journalist graduates to apply for its blog editor position. Aiming at expanding the range of services, King Billy decided to add blogging as one of them.

The post King Billy Casino Is Looking for Journalism Graduates to Apply for Its Blog Editor Position appeared first on Political Journalism.

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Objectivity and fairness in journalism https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/objectivity-and-fairness-in-journalism/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/objectivity-and-fairness-in-journalism/#respond Mon, 30 Aug 2021 13:42:47 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=132 It is always said around that journalists and reporters should have objectivity and fairness. Many news companies have also added […]

The post Objectivity and fairness in journalism appeared first on Political Journalism.

It is always said around that journalists and reporters should have objectivity and fairness. Many news companies have also added these remarks as their mantra to show that they are very fair and well balanced than their counterparts. Objectivity means that when covering new that is so tough, reporters should not show their personal feelings, their own biases or prejudice in their stores. They should report everything by using a neutral language and do their best to avoid charactering individuals and institutions negatively or positively.

At the beginning of your journalism career, you might find it hard to keep up with. This happens because you are mostly familiar with writing personal journals and essays. The frequent usage of adjectives is one trap that beginner writes fall into and they easily show how they feel about a subject.

Objective journalism

Objective journalism should state the facts and put them in the right context. Subjective journalism on the other hand, has been renamed to be advocacy journalism and it mainly reports the news from a biased view point that is very intentional. This is mostly used to promote a particular standing. It could be a political standing, social value and positions that will only have direct benefits to the News Company or agency. In 1972, Walter Cronkite was identifies as America’s most trusted man. He was so good with reporting the news with in-depth information without using any personal bias, and this was his career trademark. Walter was always prepared and feared nothing when it came to asking tough questions to politicians and other government officials not withstanding their political identity. Objective journalism has the same guidelines about giving unbiased understanding to the audience.

Subjective journalism

The return of advocacy journalism has been greatly influenced by the popularity of talk shows and many others. Subjective reporting does not have any shame when bringing in personal beliefs and motives into the news rooms. You will even find matters that were confidential and need only to be addressed to editors can now be found on the headlines and front pages. Advocacy journalists support their shenanigans of the media to only defend people and positions hence giving voice to people who cannot stand for themselves outside journalism reports.


To be fair as a journalist, you always need to know that there are two sides of the story and common with many issues, they always have viewpoints that differ. Both parties should be given equal space in a news story or editorial. For example, if the school board at your local school is debating whether they should ban a selection of books from the libraries. They will have to bring in many residents of the region who will represent both sides of the story while at the meeting.

A journalist may have strong feelings about a certain subjects and without taking sides, they should interview both parties to get views from all of them. And after doing this, they should cover both arguments as they write their story and use neutral language. This act will give both conflicting sides equal space to be investigated.

Reporters conduct

Objectivity and fairness not only apply to the way a reporter writes concerning an issue, but also how they carry themselves in public. A reported should not only be fair and objective when they write stories and news, but they should also be objective and fair in how they act in their daily life.

From the above example of a school board meeting, the reporter may make a good gesture by interviewing people with different views about the subject. But if the journalist shoots up in the middle of the meeting and starts shouting about what they feel about banning of the books, then their credibility will have been thrown out the window. Everyone in the room will have doubts about them and they will not be believed to be fair and objective.

One skill that a reporter should learn is how to keep their prejudice numb when they are on the job. When the audience of the news organization wants to hear the facts, truth and depth of the story, the company has to take risks by choosing advocacy journalism. By doing this, news organizations are jeopardizing their position and could be branded as propaganda outlets rather than reputable news companies. When political, personal and social agendas are put before the truth, the trust of the public is broken.

Caveats to remember

There are some caveats to remember when thinking about fairness and objectivity. First, the rules of fairness and objectivity apply to journalists covering tough news. It does not matter to the columnist who writes for the op-ed or the art section movie critic. The second consideration is that, reporters are always looking for the truth. While being objective and fair is important, a journalist should not get in the way of columnists and editors in finding the truth.

For instance, if you are a journalist writing about the end days of the world war two and you are behind the allied forces as they free people from concentration camps. You manage to find a way into such a camp and see the hundreds of emaciated, weary people and loads of dead bodies. In an effort to be objective, will you call an American soldier for an interview to talk about how shocking you find this, and then proceed to get the other side of the story from a Nazi official? Of course it is not possible, this is a position where evil acts have taken place, and your job as a reporter is to tell the truth. The point to note here is that always use objectivity and fairness as tools of finding the truth.

News vs. propaganda

A successful journalist is able to follow through both sides of a story and have a good eye in distinguishing the two. Journalists need to evaluate news objectively and give their viewers the exact contexts and deep understanding of the situation. Journalists and reporters in the United States have been known for a long time to be protecting the small guy from being found by the powerful and rich. But when news companies use this ability to influence people’s opinion and people’s behavior to financially benefit themselves, it creates indifference between news and propaganda.


Being a journalist has so many advantages to the public more than even the journalist themselves. Everyone is always looking to get a well-researched story that will perfectly reflect the society’s expectations. That is why as a journalist, you need to have objectivity as a truth seeking tool by your side. When your audience expects you to tell the truth and you end up lying about something, you will be jeopardizing your position and that of your company. If you have to use advocacy journalism, do it for the right purposes and not with reasons that would cause harm to parties involved.

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Qualities of a good journalist https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/qualities-of-a-good-journalist/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/qualities-of-a-good-journalist/#respond Mon, 30 Aug 2021 13:41:26 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=129 People usually expect and deserve immediate, accurate, and objective news. Professional journalists have dedicated their whole existence to reporting the […]

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People usually expect and deserve immediate, accurate, and objective news. Professional journalists have dedicated their whole existence to reporting the information at all costs, notwithstanding the personal risks involved. Pick an instance where journalists rush to scary scenes, including hostages, natural disasters, and even school shootings. They always try to get as much information from the police and even a few on-scene witnesses. If you are looking forward to getting into a journalism career, you need to assess yourself and think if you possess qualities such as courage, fairness, and integrity. Besides that, it is of essence to have proper written, verbal, and interpersonal skills to be successful in the journalism field.

Be ethical and with integrity.

When your ethical core is strengthened, you are a step ahead to being a good journalist. Honesty, objectivity, and fairness are of great importance when you are reporting the news. You will have to cover everything from proposed tax increments, local referendums, and elections. Professional journalists do not like fake news that does not have any factual standpoint. Their personal opinions should always be shared in newspapers and editorials. If a story seems to be going out of the way, they will not cover it.

Boldness and courage

Excellent journalists always motivate themselves to get more information by asking tough questions. Their feelings as a person are always kept aside to find the truth about people worth the news. Courage is a vital tool in investi8gating what has taken place in the scene. Good journalists do not find satisfaction in making phone calls from a newsroom desk when reporting essential things. Instead, they are willing to travel to the actual location despite the danger lurking in the said community and directly word with those affected.

Top-notch communicating skills

journalists need to be good at communicating to hold interviews and put down well-detailed pieces. Unlike other kinds of media-related jobs, they have to go beyond to get the whole story. Journalists are more interested in the background details to add meaning to a well-patched comprehension of the situation by whoever is reading. Journalists are degree holders in communication, journalism, and other related undergraduate studies. You need to have a good grasp of the English language and adequately attribute your sources. This will make you a good journalist with job security.

Understanding technology

In their line of duty, journalists use social media to keenly follow pages to give prompt and transparent coverage of issues. They know using internet sources to find stories and gain access to public records when handling investigative reports. Social media outlets like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter assist such journalists in reaching credible informants to ask if they could show up for a face-to-face interview. In addition, they increasingly use technology to have a chance at getting instant information transmission about issues that would directly impact their safety and health.

Proper Investigative skills

A well-trained journalist should possess an investigative mind core and create articles with evidence, stating facts with no emotion attached. They are good at observing, and from instinct, they can sense where there are many stories to be told compared to stories being aired in the news. For instance, your critical thinking skills come in handy when looking into conflicting reports of an incident and trying to find how credible they are. They need to have proper judgment when writing or blogging about information that has not been verified on the website. Even in the moments, they are faced with sooner deadlines, and a good journalist should take the initiative to get balanced information on the subject.

Analytical mind

A good journalist needs a lot of qualities, but an analytic mind is very crucial. With an analytical mind, they would have to discern the act of basing their stories on emotions or facts. Critical thinking skills go hand in hand with sound judgment to make reporting realistic. Even in a situation where things do not seem to add up, and people give different versions of a story, they quickly pay attention to what is being said and identify the factual statements. They can sit down in interviews with people with an analytical mind and know what the respondent was falsifying and what the truth was.

Good with words

Words can say a lot about someone, which does the same for the people in the journalism field. You can easily distinguish between an average story and a breathtaking news piece. Practical writing skills can make a big difference for a journalist. A good journalist should know how to juggle around with words and should be able to write an error-free, grammatically appropriate, and precise news article. This should be done by giving the most factual information that would impact the audience’s interest they are trying to reach.

Better knowledge

Being a journalist is not about waking up, finding a story, and presenting it to the public. That would make you a quack journalist. To be a good journalist and a respected one, for that matter, you need to know things are happening in your surroundings. Ensure that you read a wide variety of written and printed media of news sources to know about events taking place around you. You also need to have some background information before going out to capture a story you want to write about. It is beneficial when you can research and find the essential details of a story.

Confidence and professionalism

Even as a freshman in an internship position, you should think of yourself as a professional. Professionalism in journalism means that you can meet deadlines, be prepared to handle tasks before regular working hours, and dare to take criticism from editors. Journalists should also show confidence in what they do if they want to succeed. The most important thing to do is to learn from their limitations and improve on skills.

Persistence and discipline

Journalism as a profession requires persistence and hard work. There are many times in your career where you will be going after a story for months to get a lead and make it to the newspapers. As a prepared journalist, when such times face you, do not give up on learning about the story, and discipline is necessary for this to happen. The main motive for any journalist should be to get truth and justice in everything even after getting recognition.


Journalism may sound like an easy task to some people, and it may seem like it is the most challenging job to some people. But none of these statements hold any weight. Journalism is all about how you take it, how you treat it, and how you are dedicated. Being a good journalist may be a perfect thing for your career. This is why it is essential to have a checklist of qualities to confirm where you lie.

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Effectiveness of Media Activities https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/effectiveness-of-media-activities/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/effectiveness-of-media-activities/#respond Sun, 07 Mar 2021 12:04:41 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=55 Ideally, the result of mass media activity is broad awareness of the audience on the most diverse phenomena of life. […]

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Ideally, the result of mass media activity is broad awareness of the audience on the most diverse phenomena of life. Let us repeat that the information received from the mass media should “work” – to form public opinion and a picture of reality, to force them to act in accordance with the impulse contained in it. The media fought to bring to life the utopian ideals of supposedly close communism. In the present, the media do not have one directive line of functioning. Their activity is determined by the absence of a single all-pervading ideological principle and the political multi-party nature of society; market relations, i.e. competition between the main information channels and various media outlets of the same thematic focus; the globalization of information processes leading to the establishment of the principles of the Western information industry in the domestic market.
Now every media outlet has its own ideas about the proper result of the information policy being pursued. Therefore, journalistic goals can be different. Ultimately, they boil down to three main ones:

  • ideological (educational), when the media act as an instrument of propaganda;
  • informational, when the media declare their independence and emphasize objectivity;
  • financial, when the media are viewed by their owner as a profitable business, with priority given to both one of the named goals and their comprehensive implementation. The effectiveness of the media is made up of efficiency and effectiveness.

In the theory of journalism, these seemingly synonymous words have different meanings. A journalistic text can be addressed to a mass audience and to a social institution. Effectiveness is understood as the impact on decision-making and action by various social institutions. The effectiveness of the media is talked about when it comes to influencing a mass audience. The effectiveness of the mass information process equally depends on the personality of the journalist-communicator, and his knowledge of “his” audience, and on the universal creative factors that should be taken into account when preparing a journalistic work.

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Political Journalism: Philosophy, Epic and Pathos. https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/political-journalism-philosophy-epic-and-pathos/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/political-journalism-philosophy-epic-and-pathos/#respond Mon, 01 Mar 2021 11:28:16 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=20 The journalist must be interesting, persuasive and competent. He must be watched, read, listened to. A journalist must be convincing, […]

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The journalist must be interesting, persuasive and competent. He must be watched, read, listened to. A journalist must be convincing, otherwise he may look funny and competent, otherwise he needs to change his profession. “To achieve this, a journalist should expand his social circle as much as possible – communicate with people of different views, political convictions, social strata, not close in his circle , not “stew in your own juice.” A journalist must cultivate critical thinking and constantly engage in self-education. “The head of a journalist is a colossal accumulator of information. You have to constantly learn something. In principle, there is no useless information for a journalist – you never know when and where it will be useful to you.

Reading the works of authors such as Mario Vargas Llosa or Fyodor Dostoevsky, you learn to abandon verbal templates, you find “your”, the author’s language, a word that “hooks” the reader. According to Rachmanin, emotions are also necessary in author’s journalism. When creating texts, one should take into account the fact that politicians are not always guided by logic, and often by the same emotions. Many decisions in politics are made under the influence of personal factors – envy, jealousy, resentment. It is not always necessary to write about this, but it cannot be ignored.

I dwelt in detail on the principles of constructing an interview, in particular, a political one:
not to ask the respondent questions on a topic in which the journalist himself is incompetent;
not trying to look smarter and more informed than it really is;
avoid “closed” questions that suggest an answer “yes” or “no”, except for those cases when it is necessary to clarify information of public interest;
do not ask questions that the respondent has already answered several times.

In the event of these mistakes, the respondent, as a rule, loses interest in both the journalist and the conversation. Prepare for the interview, gather information to understand what topics can be sharp for the interlocutor. Never start a conversation with a topic that is of particular interest to the interlocutor, otherwise he will talk about this topic most of the time allotted for the interview. Save these topics for the end of the conversation.

In the construction of questions, a certain architecture should be observed, the conversation should be holistic and logical. It’s good if the next question logically follows from the previous one. At the same time, the journalist must listen carefully to the interlocutor and adjust his questions depending on what the interlocutor has said. An interview is a single text with two authors. Your main task as a journalist is to make this text interesting. If this is not the case, the goal has not been achieved. An interview is to some extent a duel in which you have to be on the level of your opponent.

Newspaper journalism is the fundamental principle of journalism in general – a good newspaper journalist, as a rule, will be able to realize himself both on radio and on television, because he feels the language, knows how to formulate thoughts.

Analytics is still very much in demand, since there are not so many people who can do it efficiently. The analyst’s task is to answer the questions that are ripe in society, to explain what is behind certain events. What does a layman expect from analytical material about elections? He cares about what will happen after the elections, what results they will lead to. The principle of analytics is to explain to people what happened in simple, accessible words that crown the painstaking work.

The written material should be understandable to the average reader. A journalist must be able to collect information, separating the important from the unimportant, know several opinions, try to draw a conclusion, propose a forecast of the development of events. Rumors may well be of interest to a journalist. Hearing is a source of information. The journalist should not use rumors, but he must take them into account. A rumor can be a news item. If you are faced with rumors, you must understand whether it is possible to verify these rumors and whether this information has public significance.

To some extent, authorial political journalism is being killed by blogs. Everyone can now open their own site and be the only reader and only writer there, so the requirements for journalism have dropped. At the same time, the demand for the journalistic word remains high, the attitude towards the press is contradictory – they often do not believe, but they still read it.

There is no career in journalism, so they do it not so much because of money, but because of an internal need. You will never become a rich person by working as a journalist. You can use your journalistic connections to become a PR person, advertiser, or politician. But when you become one of them, you will no longer be a journalist.

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Political Culture of a Journalist https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/political-culture-of-a-journalist/ https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/political-culture-of-a-journalist/#respond Sun, 03 Jan 2021 11:49:05 +0000 https://www.sheilajacksonlee18.com/?p=43 When starting to study the main aspects of the political culture of a journalist, the student must clearly imagine that […]

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When starting to study the main aspects of the political culture of a journalist, the student must clearly imagine that the understanding of this phenomenon occurs only in the organic unity of assimilation of new theoretical material with the familiar to him from courses in philosophy, sociology, political science. The focus here is on the worldview of the journalist in general, his ideological and political aspects in particular, as well as the political knowledge and political behavior of a creative media worker.

Studying the nature of the political culture of a journalist will allow the reader to realize even more clearly the organic relationship between the socio-political conditions in which the media operate and the personal foundations of the journalist’s public service, as well as at an even deeper level to develop the ability to penetrate into the political essence of events and phenomena with which the journalist is driven by his professional activities.

Journalism and the media are inseparable from the political life of society. So it was in the past, is in the present, will remain in the foreseeable future. Their role in political life is especially significant at critical periods of social development, when, under the influence of growing social, economic and political transformations or intensifying resistance to them, i.e., with a radical change in the paradigm of the historical process, the flow of political information becomes denser and accelerates. The intensifying struggle between social groups, political parties and movements, and individual politicians for dominance in the mass media, including for actual control over them, is clearly making itself felt. In crisis periods of historical development, as sociologists believe, people in a state of social anxiety are especially susceptible to suggestion, easily respond to various new stimuli and ideas, and are also more susceptible to propaganda.

At the same time, society acts not only as an object of influence from journalism and the media. It, represented by individual social groups, political parties, the most active citizens, persistently

in their striving to be the subject of information relations. At the same time, the press, television, radio, due to the creative nature of the work of journalists, encouraging the individualization of handwriting, manners, as well as, in certain cases, political orientations, are also subjects of information relations. They develop and replicate socially significant spiritual values, bring into information relations a personal (group) assessment of the information being replicated, which may or may not coincide with the assessment given to this information by both individual social groups and society as a whole.

The mass media as a channel of political communication are characterized by their universality, the ability to take on themselves in some cases the functional load of other social institutions, expanding their area of ​​influence. Thus, the media act as the most important information channel in the process of political relations between power and society, classes, social groups, national entities, political parties and individuals.

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